Thursday, March 25, 2010

Out with the bad... In with the new.

A lot of changes have happened in my life over the past year- I finished school, got married, moved away from home, to name a couple. Over the past year, I have changed. I wouldn't say for the better, or for the good, just different. I am finding my likes and dislikes have shifted, my attention is now focused on new priorities and I am surrounded by all new faces. I have come to the place where I need only positive things in my life.

I have gotten rid of my Facebook, it no longer exists! It is very freeing! I know people wont understand, but think of it as this.

God created women relational. Facebook is the global epicenter of staying connected and keeping up with the latest news in someone's life. Women need relationships, they crave for friendships and constant 'connect' with another person/people. God also created men to love women and be attracted to and stimulated by their bodies. In the same way then men 'need' and want women, women need and want connection and relationship. Knowing that - in the same way that men and take their needs and want for women out of context, women can take their needs and wants out of context if they are not careful with various social networking things. Now, I am not by any-means saying Facebook is evil, or that women are addicted to social network, or that anyone else has a problem, for that matter, but I know I do. I became addicted to 'connection'. I focused on the wrong things and the 'wrong' relationships. It became more of an obsession and addiction rather than 'a way to stay connected'. So, I got rid of it.

Moving forward, I know that I wont be as 'up to date' on peoples lives, but I am really ok with that. It is also very freeing knowing that the 'whole world' doesn't know what I am doing everyday. I do and will continue to miss the friends I am not always in constant connection with. But I did what was right for me.

You can always email me, or an 'old fashioned' phone call would be nice!

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