Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today I went shopping and got my Easter dress! Which all stems from- Growing up my mom would get all of us girls new eater dresses for easter Sunday, every single Easter without fail! Now, since I am all grown up I have to carry on that tradition! And I don't mind one bit! I picked out my dress today from Target, one of the new Liberty of London line. I realized I needed new shoes to go with wonderful new dress! And then...I saw them from across the isle. It was magic, like in a movie when time stops and nothing and no one exists for a brief moment other than you and shoes! I immediately knew they were the ones, they had stolen my heart!

Oh, how shoes can make my day so much better!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Price of Beauty.

Have you ever thought of what beauty 'costs'? I know I personally buy make-up, hair products, and other various 'beauty' products on a regular basis. I don't believe wanting to look your best is a 'sin' or a 'crime' but I think sometimes we all need to look in the mirror with no make up on and no baggy close to hid what we don't like and see ourselves through Gods eyes and see how beautiful we all are! We too often, especially myself, get caught up in what people think of me and my appearance.

The new Show "The Price of Beauty", produced my Jessica Simpson is wonderful! I am a fan of Jessica Simpson, but even if you aren't I would encourage you watch an episode. It is all about Jessica and two of her closest friends traveling the world and finding the the world considers to be beautiful. But at every stop they make they find people who have been negatively effected by their wants to be beautiful, their desires to make then selves perfect to the worlds standards. It was very eye opening for me. I love that everywhere they go, there is a lesson in what true beauty is.

Here is the link if you are interested in watching : The Price of Beauty

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blog number two!

Check out my new, second blog I have started! it all about being healthy! Eating healthy, having a healthy body image and having a healthy relationship and view of God!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Out with the bad... In with the new.

A lot of changes have happened in my life over the past year- I finished school, got married, moved away from home, to name a couple. Over the past year, I have changed. I wouldn't say for the better, or for the good, just different. I am finding my likes and dislikes have shifted, my attention is now focused on new priorities and I am surrounded by all new faces. I have come to the place where I need only positive things in my life.

I have gotten rid of my Facebook, it no longer exists! It is very freeing! I know people wont understand, but think of it as this.

God created women relational. Facebook is the global epicenter of staying connected and keeping up with the latest news in someone's life. Women need relationships, they crave for friendships and constant 'connect' with another person/people. God also created men to love women and be attracted to and stimulated by their bodies. In the same way then men 'need' and want women, women need and want connection and relationship. Knowing that - in the same way that men and take their needs and want for women out of context, women can take their needs and wants out of context if they are not careful with various social networking things. Now, I am not by any-means saying Facebook is evil, or that women are addicted to social network, or that anyone else has a problem, for that matter, but I know I do. I became addicted to 'connection'. I focused on the wrong things and the 'wrong' relationships. It became more of an obsession and addiction rather than 'a way to stay connected'. So, I got rid of it.

Moving forward, I know that I wont be as 'up to date' on peoples lives, but I am really ok with that. It is also very freeing knowing that the 'whole world' doesn't know what I am doing everyday. I do and will continue to miss the friends I am not always in constant connection with. But I did what was right for me.

You can always email me, or an 'old fashioned' phone call would be nice!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I have a new heart. Or at least I am working on it.

Today was the first Sunday in a month that Jeremiah has been able to make it to Church! It seems like it has just been one thing right after another. As we were all dressed up in hells and neck ties, we get ten feet our of our drive way and have flat tired! Well my fast-thinking hubby, changed the tire in 10 minutes and got to to church only a few minutes late! Today at Westmore COG, Pastor Kelvin Page preached an amazing message out of Judges. He posed this question- How long does it take for a family to lose their Christian heritage? How long does it take for a church to lose its purpose for existing? Now long does it take a Nation to lose its purpose for existing?

Judges 2:10

10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.

That is the answer. It only takes ONE generation.

Check out this video Pastor showed in church this morning, you will be challenged!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Are You eating?

Lately I haven been working out a lot, and trying so hard to eat healthy foods. I realized that over Christmas this year I was the heaviest I had been in my life. Which, some would say isn't that 'big', but to me, it was bigger than I was ever 'use' to being! I have been doing cardio and strength training for 35 minutes every morning and eating very strict! You don't have to be as strict as I am, but I just want this weight GONE! One thing I have noticed with this new 'diet' phase I am in, is the foods I am eating. Watch out for specifically 'diet' foods! ie. 'lite', 'diet', 'weight watchers', or anything else that is specifically low calorie or low fat. Not all are bad, but you need to read the label of the food you are buying! Just because it is diet doesn't mean it's good for you, sometimes it means all the 'bad' fats and sugars are taken out but replaced with fake chemicals! Ingesting fake processed chemicals is never good! For example, I eat StoneyField organic French vanilla yogurt ( you can get this ANYWHERE, even Wal-mart!) It is all natural and tastes very good, but it so much better for you than any other yogurt out there- ie. Dannon, Yoplait ect. Dannon's Fit & Light Yogurt has just over 10% aspartame in it! ( Aspartame is a cancer causing sugar substitute, it has been clinically proven!) However, most people but it because it is 'only' 100 calories. However, if you eat the same amount of StoneyFeild yogurt with no fillers and no chemicals, its only ... 100 calories! I challenge all of you to take the time and do what my Mama aught me to do, read the labels of you are about to punt into your body!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Try This!

Do you have dry skin?Oily skin? Blemished skin? I have the answer!

So many people have skin issues! Whether it be too dry, too oily, acne of just plain sensitive skin, we all need something for it. The answer? HONEY. Thats it! Any kind any brand organic and home grown, or bought at Wal-Mart. People (men and women) who used home for 15 mins each day for 14 days had 80% clearer skin after the first week! Honey is much more gentle on your skin that harsh acne medications or creams, and believe it or not, is more moisturizing that many lotions! This isn't just for acne, but dry skin and even oily skin, honey will even your skin. Honey is so gentle and mild that in face many baby shampoos have honey in it!

The routine:

1. Place 1 Tbl. spoon of honey in a microwave safe (small) bowl ( I use glass)
2. Microwave for 8-10 seconds
---You're not microwave to heat! The honey should not be hot! You are only making the honey a little bit thin so that it s easy to work with!
3. Use a foundation brush, if you dont have one, you can get 1 cheap one at any dollar store, they will be ELF brand.
4. Spread evenly all over the face. Leave ti on for 10-15 mins ( I do 15)
% Wash off with warm water.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

iphone and Tan Skin!

This afternoon my sweet hubby and I became proud new owners of the iphone! We love them dearly, they are our children, well until we have our own! Jeremiah's phone DIED. It was his his third phone in a year, and we needed to get off of our current phone plan/provider. ( We were not happy with anything about T-mobile) We are now with AT&T, so hopefully things will get better!

I realized after looking back over my last post I told you I have '2' sunless tan products for you and had only mentioned one! Here is the second-

SUN- It is a little more expensive but is great! It absolutely will NOT turn you orange! It a foam that goes on evenly over the skin and is made of organic ingredients! One bottle will last a very long time and is safe for the whole body as well as the face!